Jacky Fischer grew up working in a multitude of crazy family businesses. She is quite sure her parents broke every child labor law.
She received her undergrad from the school of hard knocks and her MBA from Rice University. In 2003, she bought her parent’s moving business and grew it from $3 million in annual revenue to over $40 million.
Jacky just finished her first book, The Growth Paradox, which highlights her industry-disrupting, signature management method aimed at helping small business owners avoid the pitfalls that are most destructive to a company’s growth. As an expert on what it takes to build a multimillion-dollar brand, Jacky loves helping entrepreneurs skyrocket their businesses through proven & unique growth processes.
When she is not leaping buildings in a single bound, she is running the most innovative moving company, 3 Men Movers, and is in the process of starting a nonprofit to help others climb out of poverty.
For more information or to order books, please visit: https://www.brazosbookstore.com/event/jacky-fischer-growth-paradox