David Bowles grew up in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas, where he teaches at UTRGV. He’s the author of several award-winning titles, including The Smoking Mirror, the 13th Street series, and Feathered Serpent, Dark Heart of Sky: Myths of Mexico. His picture book debut, My Two Border Towns, is available in English and Spanish. In 2020, David co-founded #DignidadLiteraria, a grassroots activist hashtag and movement dedicated to promoting equity for Latinx people in publishing. You can find him online at davidbowles.us and @DavidOBowles on most social media platforms.
Guadalupe García McCall was born in Mexico and moved to Texas as a young girl, keeping close ties with family on both sides of the border. She has written five books as well as many poems for children. She moved from Texas a few years ago and now lives in the Pacific Northwest. Though she loves taking nature walks in the great outdoors, she doesn’t go out alone at night because she knows there’s all kinds of cucuys out there!